The abstract book of the IPS VIII can be downloaded from the following link.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) ( is a global, non-profit, non-governmental and non-discriminatory organization established in 1892 with headquarters in Vienna, Austria. IUFRO unites about 650 member organizations in more than 120 countries representing over 15,000 scientists, whose members share the common goal of fostering global cooperation in forest-related research and promoting the understanding of technical, economic and social aspects of its research, including utilization of forests and their multiple wood and non-wood resources.
Since 1995, IUFRO Working Group 2.08.04 (Physiology and Genetics of Poplars and Willows) has organized the quadrennial International Poplar Symposium (IPS), giving the opportunity for forest scientists to create networks and contacts, present new findings, and discuss ways in which such knowledge could be implemented to benefit society.
As a result of long-term international collaborations and recognition, the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) (formerly known as the Poplar Research Institute) from Novi Sad, Serbia is honored to host the Eight International Poplar Symposium (IPS VIII): Poplars and Willows in the Era of Global Change: Agroforestry, Environmental Improvement, and Ecosystem Services to Enhance Livelihoods. The IPS VIII will be held virtually in Novi Sad from 4 to 6 October 2022, focusing on management and conservation of poplar and willow genetic resources in the era of global changes with the aim of improving production, diversification of utilization of ecosystem services and enhancement of livelihoods.
Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic, the IPS VIII will be held virtually. Nevertheless, we will minimize the challenges of online conferences and provide opportunities for participants to present their work and network with one another.
We welcome all participants and wish all delegates an exciting and eventful conference.
The Organizing Committee:
Prof Dr Saša Orlović, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment – chair
Dr Andrej Pilipović, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
Dr Ronald Zalesny, USDA Forest Service